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                "title": "Crop-Circles"
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T21:43:21Z",
                        "comment": "a import\u00e9 une nouvelle version de \u00ab [[Image:Earth lotus.png]] \u00bb"
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:13:55Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : __NOTOC__ ==Interpr\u00e9tations traditionnelles ==  [[image:Hunab_Ku_XL.png|thumb|100px|right|Un symbole propos\u00e9 pour Hunab Ku]]  Les informations ci-apr\u00e8s proviennent du web. Elles n..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Hunab Ku"
                "pageid": 6,
                "revisions": [
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:18:09Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : === Base de donn\u00e9es sur les crops circles : \u00e9tat d'avancement et \"travaux en cours\" (au 10/11/2007) ===  Ces derni\u00e8res semaines ont \u00e9t\u00e9 peu productives, en apparence... en r\u00e9al..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "G\u00e9olocalisation des crops-circles"
                "pageid": 7,
                "revisions": [
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:19:06Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : Il \u00e9tait bien s\u00fbr tentant de rapprocher puis mettre en perspective l'ensemble des \u00e9l\u00e9ments accumul\u00e9s sur U-Sph\u00e8re. Cela repr\u00e9sente un risque car, \u00e0 force d'\u00eatre immerg\u00e9s da..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Crop circles: impossibles sc\u00e9narios"
                "pageid": 8,
                "revisions": [
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                        "parentid": 0,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:20:01Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : __NOTOC__ [[image:Crop_loi_normale.png|thumb|200px|la distribution du nombre annuel de crop circles suit-elle une loi normale ?]]  Outre le fait d'offrir \"une\" classification des Cro..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "U-Sph\u00e8re CropDB"
                "pageid": 9,
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:21:37Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : __NOTOC__ {{Article:Box|Message=<font size=\"3\"><b>Les \u00e9l\u00e9ments in\u00e9dits pr\u00e9sent\u00e9s par cet article</b></font><br> # Une signification apport\u00e9e \u00e0 l'ensemble des symboles inscrits..."
                        "revid": 38,
                        "parentid": 37,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:22:02Z",
                        "comment": "/* [03/08/04] Analyse du crop circle dit \"du jour du jugement dernier\" (\"Doomsday Crop Circle\") */"
                        "revid": 39,
                        "parentid": 38,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:22:21Z",
                        "comment": "/* [03/08/04] Analyse du crop circle dit \"du jour du jugement dernier\" (\"Doomsday Crop Circle\") */"
                        "revid": 40,
                        "parentid": 39,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:23:32Z",
                        "comment": "/* Contexte s\u00e9mantique : les calendriers Mayas et Azt\u00e8que */"
                        "revid": 41,
                        "parentid": 40,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:24:03Z",
                        "comment": "/* Contexte pragmatique & environnemental : position, orientation et \u00e9l\u00e9ments remarquables */"
                        "revid": 42,
                        "parentid": 41,
                        "minor": "",
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:24:19Z",
                        "comment": "/* Contexte pragmatique & environnemental : position, orientation et \u00e9l\u00e9ments remarquables */"
                        "revid": 43,
                        "parentid": 42,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:37:00Z",
                        "comment": "/* Contexte pragmatique & environnemental : position, orientation et \u00e9l\u00e9ments remarquables */"
                        "revid": 44,
                        "parentid": 43,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:40:08Z",
                        "comment": "/* [03/08/04] Analyse du crop circle dit \"du jour du jugement dernier\" (\"Doomsday Crop Circle\") */"
                        "revid": 45,
                        "parentid": 44,
                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:40:23Z",
                        "comment": "/* [03/08/04] Analyse du crop circle dit \"du jour du jugement dernier\" (\"Doomsday Crop Circle\") */"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "2004-08-03 Silbury Hill, \u00ab Doomsday CC, Sun Wheel \u00bb"
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:41:38Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : {{Article:Ebauche}}  == Principes et g\u00e9n\u00e9ralit\u00e9s sur les unit\u00e9s de temps et calendriers Maya ==  Les Mayas d\u00e9composaient le temps sur une \u00e9chelle d'unit\u00e9s non lin\u00e9aire:  {|ce..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Calendriers Maya et Azt\u00e8que"
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:42:06Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : __NOTOC__ {{Article:Ebauche}}  === Avertissement === ==== Attention ! L'overdose de Crop Circles peut donner des hallucinations, ou donner \u00e0 voir ce que l'on a envie de voir... ====..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Crop Circles et protohistoire humaine"
                "pageid": 12,
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                        "user": "Uadmin",
                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:44:39Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : Le 14 ao\u00fbt 2001 sont apparues simultan\u00e9ment deux formations de [[Crop Circles]] pr\u00e8s du radio t\u00e9l\u00e9scope de Chilbolton (dans le Hampshire). Les deux formations, impressionantes p..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "2001-08-14 Chibolton"
                "pageid": 13,
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                        "timestamp": "2008-07-04T22:46:53Z",
                        "comment": "Nouvelle page : __NOTOC__ {| style=\"width:100%;\" |colspan = \"2\" | <div style=\"margin: 0; margin-top:5px; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 0 1em 1em 1em; background-color:#efffef; align:center;\"> ..."
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Crop Circles"