U-Sphere deals with the relationship between man and his environment. From the acceptance of the unknown and the integration of new knowledge: how can man modify his beliefs to better communicate and integrate into the informational spheres that surround him?
The Crop Circles (or crop circles) seem to participate in this intellectual mutation in that they question us on several levels of reality: that coinciding with the nature of their conception, that dealing with the message that the authors have wished us pass, and that of the designers themselves, like the monolith of "2001, A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick.
The first scientific article on the subject was published on July 29, 1880 (volume 22, pp 290-291) in the famous journal Nature. He reported the discovery in England of a field studded with circles in Surrey. Today, more than 350 so-called "historic" cases or “precursors” (circles that appeared before 1980) have been recorded by organizations such as The International Crop Circles Archives (ICCA). Beginning in 1980, circles in wheat began to attract the attention of scientists and researchers such as Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews.
Since then, the data recorded on this phenomenon have continued to grow. We are dealing here not only with simple circles but also with more and more complicated figures. In 1990, this development reached a major evolutionary stage when pictograph-like formations over 100 meters in length appeared in the counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, south of England. Since - and for a still unknown reason - this annual phenomenon demonstrates an increasing complexification coupled with a constantly increasing number of appearances . For almost 30 years, this enigmatic phenomenon, far from declining, has taken on a real scale (in 1980, there were 30 cases, in 1985, more than 100, in 1988, more than 300, in 1990, more than 1000).
- 29/05 [Meta] Crop circles 2010 - prévisions: tentative d'anticipation de certains crop-circles devant survenir cette année.
- 08/07 [Meta] Méthodologie de calcul des dates passées associées aux Crops Circles: un rapprochement d'une date passée à 10^-3 année près ?
- 06/07 [Crop-Circle] Synchronicite et predictions avec l'apôtre Saint-Jean (de l'apocalypse ?)
- 15/04 [Crop-Circle] Elements de chronologie sur les Crops Circles (non terminé)
- 08/04 [Crop-Circle] Les quatre gardiens célestes - rêve et mise à l'épreuve du modèle prédictif des crops circles.
- 17/11 [Crop-Circle] Bilan mesures CEM Valence
- 10/11 [Crop-Circle] Crop-circle de Valence: rapport d'expertise électromagnétique, domaine IR
- 09/09 [Meta] Chronologie des Crops Circles: éléments de précision
- 08/09 [Crop-Circle] Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire, Crop circle en forme de croix : "prédiction" réalisée !
- 25/07 [Crop-Circle] Valence-Est: propositions pour des éléments d'analyse symbolique
- 31/07 Ajout de trois courtes annexes
- 21/08 Ajout d'une section sur les mesures et hypothèses électromagnétiques
- 06/07 [Meta] Basculement brutal du climat à la fin de la dernière ère glaciaire, Holocène et Crops-Circles.
- 01/07 [Crop-Circle] Cube du metatron et géométrie du sacré : Platon à la rescousse.
- 20/06 [Crop-Circle] Constante d'Archimède : convergence chronologique proposée sur U-sphère
- 11/11 [Symbole] Hunab Ku : petite discussion sur le sens de ce symbole Maya, la nature de sa forme particulière. Eléments inédits ?
- 10/11 [Meta] Géolocalisation des crops-circles : résultats préliminaires (cartes de répartition des crops-circles) et avancement.
- 27/09 [Meta] Crop circles: impossibles scénarios et l’hypothèse José Argüelles.
- 26/09 [Base de données] Mise en place d'une mini-base de données collaborative sur les crops circles
- 29/08 [Crop-Circle] Le crop circle dit "du jour du jugement dernier" (Doomsday Crop Circle): "Tic Tac, comment le temps est-il compté ?"
- 03/09 [Histoire] Calendriers Maya et Aztèque
- [Meta] [MàJ le 22/08] 17/08 Les Crop Circles nous repassent le film de la protohistoire de l'homme (la suite arrive)
- Hypothèse du compte à rebours. "Tic Tac, le temps est compté!"
- 18/08 [Crop-Circle] L'exemple surprenant de Chilbolton: le fin mot de l'histoire ? Notes
- 16/08 [Meta] mesure de la complexité et contexte d'élaboration, un axe d'analyse